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Don’t Wait! Capturing Infantile Spasms On Video For Early Diagnosis

Infantile spasms (also called West Syndrome) is a severe and rare form of epilepsy which affects infants. These seizures are brief repeated jerks that can cause developmental issues later on if not addressed and treated immediately. Understanding the symptoms and signs of infantile spasms is essential for the future of your child.

Look for the signs Signs of infantile spasms

Infantile spasms can be subtle and easily mistaken for normal movements of a baby. However, there are some signs to be aware of:

Involuntary jerks generally affect the neck and the upper portion of the body. This causes them to lean forward rapidly. Furthermore, the arms and legs could flex or stretch quickly.

A cluster of episodes : These are jerks that occur in groups of spasms that are multiple over short periods of time (seconds to minutes). These clusters of spasms can happen throughout the day.

Modification of expression: Babies may cry out or appear agitated during spasms.

The Power of Video: Capturing Spasms in infants for diagnosis earlier

You need to act quickly if you think your child is suffering from spasms in the infant. In order to ensure early diagnosis and a successful treatment, every second counts. Video recording could be lifesaving:

Visual evidence. Noting that your child is experiencing a cluster of spasms can help doctors to diagnose the problem. These small events can be not noticed by doctors at an appointment.

A clear video can help doctors identify infantile seizures and differentiate them from other kinds of seizures or normal movements of babies.

Swifter treatment: A prompt diagnosis allows for treatment to begin quickly which could reduce the risk of developmental delays associated with non-treated infantile spasms.

If you suspect that your infant is experiencing spasms, act immediately.

If you are concerned that your child is suffering from infantile spasms, then:

Capture video: Record the spasms using your phone or camera. Capture as much detail as you can.

Make contact with your pediatrician as quickly as possible. It is important that your child sees their doctor. Explain your concerns, share the video recording, and stress the urgency of the situation.

You should seek immediate emergency medical attention, if required. If you cannot reach your pediatrician right away, take the baby and video recording to an emergency center nearby for children.

Early intervention is the first step to ensuring your child’s future

Infantile spasms can result in severe developmental delays, which include intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorder. Swift diagnosis and intervention are crucial in maximizing the chance for your child’s recuperation and attaining normal developmental milestones. Spasms in infants can be treated through a variety of approaches, from dietary changes to medications. If the condition is more severe it may require surgery. By addressing the issue by implementing appropriate medical treatment as soon possible parents will increase the chances of minimizing long-term effects and helping their child along his or her path to better motor and cognitive function. Learn more here Infantile Spasms Symptoms

Never ignore your gut instinct if you think something is wrong for your child. It’s always safer to be cautious instead of being sorry. It is possible to help your child remain healthy and happy by educating yourself about signs and signs of infantile injuries. If you observe them, make a video and seek immediate medical attention.


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